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Understanding Period Poverty

Period poverty refers to the inability to afford or access to menstrual products. This leads to negative consequences such as missed opportunities in education, work, and other daily life responsibilities or tasks. 

We need to call for an inclusive approach towards Menstrual Equity Period poverty is widely considered a women's issue, excluding an issue that affects  transgender, non-binary, gender fluid, and intersex individuals. 

We are here to take a more inclusive approach to fight this pressing issue! Let's fight to end period poverty and promote menstrual equity.  

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Let's Break the Period Stigma

There is discrimination faced by menstruating women.  

A period is a period. Let's be comfortable using the term. We need to address the stigma associated with periods to fix the challenges our nation is facing with lack of access to menstrual products. We want to encourage open conversations surrounding women’s health and menstruation. As a society, we can move forward by working together to break the stigma! 

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